Why Anxiety Finds Gen Z, Even When They Try to Avoid It

Picture this: You're a high school junior with a packed schedule. It's 11 p.m., and you're scrambling to finish an essay, calculus homework, and studying for tomorrow's history exam. You also have swim practice early in the morning. As you're working, your phone keeps lighting up with notifications from Instagram, Snapchat, and text messages you don't have time to answer. You feel your chest tightening and your thoughts racing as you worry about getting everything done and keeping up with your friends.

Sound overwhelming? This is an average night for many in Gen Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s. Compared to previous generations, Gen Z lives in a unique time filled with technology, pressure, and uncertainty. For these reasons, anxiety disorders are raging at epidemic levels among Gen Z.

But why is Gen Z anxiety so prevalent? This is a generation that, by all measures, should feel less anxiety than their predecessors. Gen Z has grown up with incredible technology at their fingertips, seeing many diseases cured, experiencing relatively peaceful times, and having access to more mental health awareness. Many would argue that life has been easy and convenient for Gen Z, yet their anxiety still finds them.

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Who Constitutes Gen Z, Anyway?

First, who constitutes Generation Z? Gen Z refers to the generation born between 1997 and 2012, so if you’re between 11-26 years old, welcome to the club!

This is the first generation of true digital natives. For better or worse, Gen Z has only known life with smartphones, social media, and having the entire world at their fingertips 24/7.

Gen Z also came of age during a pretty heavy time historically—living through 9/11 as kids and reaching adulthood during political unrest, a global pandemic, gun violence, racial justice movements, and an ongoing climate crisis (whew, that’s a lot!)

While being plugged in has benefits, it also exposes Gen Zers to some heavy issues at younger ages. As a result, Gen Z is politically engaged and socially conscious - but also anxious about the future. Many feel weighed down by huge world problems they feel powerless to fix. 

So here we are, connected but isolated, politically aware but uncertain, facing endless pressure to succeed in a precarious world. This unique landscape shapes the collective mental health struggles Gen Z faces.

As a therapist who works with Gen Zers and Millennials, I want to talk about why anxiety affects so many, even when they try their best to avoid it. The good news is there are healthier ways to cope when avoidance stops working. We’ll get there! But first, let’s explore what’s making it so tough for this generation to find chill.

Why Generation Z Is So Anxious

I could write a book on the factors contributing to Gen Z anxiety (maybe I will someday). But for now, let’s break down the key sources so you can hopefully feel less alone in what you’re experiencing:

Non-Stop Social Media

FOMO is real. Seeing filtered versions of other people’s lives on Instagram breeds major envy and blows anxieties out of proportion. Who hasn't mindlessly scrolled for hours only to feel majorly insecure afterward?

Social comparison gets people caught in an anxiety loop about how they don't stack up. But remember, the reality you see online is carefully curated. Comparing your real life to someone else’s reel life is apples to oranges – it’s not a fair comparison.

Even though social media connects superficially, studies show it makes people feel isolated. Social media has replaced quality physical interaction and connection with our peers. Therefore, Gen Z reports high levels of loneliness. Can you relate to having hundreds of followers and friends online but still feeling like no one truly knows the real you? Or feeling awkward and shy because you lack in-person social and communication skills?

Finally, excessive social media use has been linked to increased anxiety. Notifications from apps constantly bombard us with anxiety-inducing content as our phones become an endless source of stress. Being constantly connected means we rarely take time to decompress, perpetuating our mind’s state of stress.

Extreme Pressures to Succeed

You’ve heard it before, but the pressure on our generation to succeed early and often is next level. Gen Z is navigating expectations under a microscope. We're living in the golden age of helicopter parenting that requires us to reach set goals at lightning speed. With so much pressure, it's natural for Gen Z anxiety levels to rise.

Many begin building college resumes and career plans as early as middle school. With an intense focus on academics and resume building, there's often more emphasis on test scores, GPAs, and extracurriculars than actual passion for learning and curiosity.

Most of my teen clients feel burned out and bummed that grades and scores matter more to parents and teachers than actual interests. Can you blame them for internalizing that academic perfection equates to self-worth?

From college to career, Generation Z is pressured by high expectations and perfectionism. Whether it’s coming from inside or outside sources, Gen Z anxiety can be overwhelming. Free play and idle downtime, once a normal part of childhood, have been stripped away and replaced with obligations and busy schedules.

The Uncertain Future

Let’s face it: times are tough. The job landscape of the future looks nothing like it did ten years ago. From automation to outsourcing, Generation Z fears getting locked out if they aren’t adequately educated to compete in this new economy. And many Gen Zers are thinking, even if I were, what’s the point? The chances of owning a home in this economy don't look great, unemployment rates are up, and student loan debt is skyrocketing. These worries are valid and majorly affect Gen Z mental health.

On top of the economic landscape, we’re seeing the effects of climate change on our literal landscape in real-time. Living in a time of unprecedented climate change and natural disasters, Gen Z feels the weight of ensuring our planet survives for future generations, from polar vortexes to unexpected hurricanes. Anxiety and fear are natural reactions to this uncertain reality without tangible solutions.

Overly Busy Lifestyles

On top of the pressure to excel early on, Generation Z is overbooked to the max! Structured activities replace free time just to chill and be bored.

Gen Z is constantly stimulated and feels pressure to be productive. Without downtime, minds cannot fully rest and process emotions. Without downtime, anxious thoughts accumulate without healing or relief.

Our jam-packed schedules not only hinder our ability to take care of our mental health, but they also add to our stress levels and exhaustion. In today’s 24/7 grind culture, it's time to put an end to the belief that anxiety is just a part of our everyday existence.

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Why Avoiding Anxiety Fails

With all those factors, it’s no wonder Gen Zers often desperately avoid anything anxiety-triggering. Skipping social events, bailing on responsibilities, putting off decisions—we’ve all been there.

While avoidance may offer short-term relief, it only reinforces anxiety over time. Dodging fears prevents learning how to tolerate discomfort and sit with uncertainty. Avoidance soon starts limiting academics, career potential, relationships, and quality of life. Isolation often accompanies avoidance, which breeds more loneliness and anxiety. 

Essentially, as much as avoidance feels like a lifeline in anxious moments, it often backfires in the long run. But there are healthier coping methods!

How to Manage Gen Z Anxiety in Healthier Ways

The good news is anxiety doesn’t have to run your life! As a therapist who cares, I want to share tips that help clients build resilience:

Foster Real-Life Connections

This one’s tough with busy schedules. But make time for real friends, not just digital ones! Deep connections create a safe space to share openly. Laughing and being silly helps, too. Don’t just share memes—get out and make memories! And if social anxiety is an issue, challenge yourself to socialize in small steps rather than avoiding it.

Adopt Mindfulness Habits

At its core, anxiety is simply the product of our endlessly creative brains. We rely on this imaginative power to find solutions and envision the future in an uncertain world. However, when left unchecked, it can spiral into emotional turmoil. 

With the help of mindfulness, you can quiet your overactive imagination and find inner peace. Even 5 minutes a day of deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can relax anxious minds. Tuning into the present moment reduces anticipatory worries. Utilize a timer on your phone, or download some mindfulness apps to try!

Start a Gratitude Journal 

Taking a few minutes to write down the positive aspects of life, however small, can create perspective and balance out worries. By taking just a few moments each day, you can unlock a whole new way of seeing the world and uncover more joy to overpower the stressors of everyday life.

Get Moving and Get Creative!

Anxiety is nervous energy looking for an outlet. Finding healthy ways to move your body and express yourself creatively can help a ton. Play a team sport, dance it out, paint, sing—it all helps!

Consider Counseling or Support Groups

Therapy can be life-changing in managing anxiety—there’s no shame in getting help! Having a judgment-free space to process anxious thoughts can work wonders. Support groups also remind you that you aren't alone.

Overcoming Gen Z Anxiety – You’ve Got This!

Anxiety seems to be just part of the Gen Z experience. But anxiety doesn't have to define Generation Z! What can define this generation, however, are perseverance and resilience! Given everything Gen Zers have faced and continue to, this population remains optimistic. Between their ability to tune into their mental health issues, more so than older generations, combined with access to more resources than ever to help manage mental health, Gen Zers ensure their mental well-being is not neglected

By implementing healthy coping and seeking support, you can take control of your mental health and even change perspectives on anxiety for generations after you!

So, if you're struggling with Gen-Z anxiety, please know support is out there. Consider reaching out to a professional for help finding healthier ways to thrive. For more tips on how to reduce anxiety, check out my other blog posts here.

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional advice of your own attorney, accountant, physician, or financial advisor. Always check with your own physician, attorney, financial advisor, accountant, or other business or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.


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